Did you know? Ballarat was first settled in 1838 by sheep farmers, and developed rapidly after the discovery of rich gold deposits in 1851! We have a rich history of agriculture, pastoral and underground mining activities supporting the economy and community of not only Victoria, but Australia!

Victoria is also Australia’s largest producer and exporter of food and fibre products: The government and indeed our company, are committed to responsible growing of the minerals sector in a way that keeps Vic clean and safe and meets community expectations.
We are excited to join the history of explorers across this great land, understanding and mapping the unique geology of Victoria. As a small business, living and working in the community, we seek to engage, educate, and respectfully seek and manage community expectations of our activities. While supporting and promoting small business and industry.
This page will be updated with Educational resources as we create them. Your interests and queries are important to us, if you have any suggestions or feedback, we’d love to hear from you!